Computers for the Blind provides individuals with visual impairments access to technology. Your donations directly support that cause by helping us refurbish the computers that we ship. We accept monetary donations, as well as donations of capable equipment and volunteers donating time at our center. Please see below for the different ways you can contribute.
Monetary Donations
A donation of only $200 fully supports an individual in need with a computer! Every monetary donation we receive goes directly to helping us refurbish computers. You can even check with your company to see if they match charity donations!
Donate Computer Parts
Our organization depends on donations for the devices that we provide to our consumers. If you have equipment you would like to donate, please use the following guide to see what we can accept. We accept donations that match the following specifications, and we cannot accept non-computing equipment. If you know of companies or others who have equipment that matches these requirements, please refer them to us!
Donations may be used for consumer devices or sold to further our program. Every donation is tax deductible and donation receipts are available upon request.
Hardware Requirements for Donations
- Intel Core-I Series 5th Gen/
AMD A Series 5th Gen or newer - Capable of running 8GB memory
- Removable storage device (HDD, SSD)
All hard drives are securely wiped to remove all information that may be on them.
Other parts we need
- 19″ LCD Monitors or larger (No CRTs)
- Keyboards and Mice
- Speakers
- Laptop Power Adapters
The following donation guide has more information on donations.
We are not accepting walk-ins for donations. Please use the following form to start the donation process. If you have any questions, please contact Nathan Hill at nhill@computersfortheblind.org.
Volunteer your Time

We are looking for volunteers who have experience in the following areas:
- Building/Refurbishing Computers
- Troubleshooting/Repairing Computers
- Warehouse/Inventory Management
- Training Programs
To volunteer with us, we ask that you fill out an application first, and then we will contact you to discuss the next steps in the process. Although we are looking for the skill sets above, we welcome all volunteer applications and will review every one that we receive.
To apply, go to volunteer.computersfortheblind.org and click “Submit New Volunteer Application”.